Talent Made Possible.

Take charge of your personal brand through engaging and persuasive communication.

Personal Branding

Discover how you can market yourself creatively and persuasively through impactful writing.

Career Development

Master the ins and outs of interview strategies to stand out in today's competitive job market.

Lifelong Learning

(Coming soon) Stay relevant with global trends in skills and expertise.

About Us

What Makes Us Different

Cetude is the personal branding service line of Marketane Pte Ltd. The group is a trusted partner to many students and professionals who are eager to transform their personal aspirations into lasting success stories. Founded in 2019, our core strength lies in our ability to market client experiences through persuasive communication coupled with a meticulous attention to detail.

As a former consulting analyst from Bain & Company, Kelly founded Cetude with the idea of applying the methodology of marketing communications to personal branding. She believes that developing an influential personal brand is a crucial asset for students and professionals alike to stand out in today’s competitive world

With a background in management consulting, Tze Yu oversees strategy and corporate operations for Cetude. He is an accomplished writer and public speaker, having been awarded second-place in the distinguished Oxford & Cambridge Society Malaysia writing competition. He is also responsible for creating this sleek website.

Success Begins with Effective Communication

Personal Branding Services

Speak to us for a private consultation session to let us learn more about you and your aspirations. We are equipped with knowledge on the latest trends in the field of graduate employment and are here to help you be confident that you have made the best decision.

If you have a plan and are set on targeting Ivy-league / G5 institutions, we will help you decide on the best strategic options to maximize your chances of success. Not sure where to go? We will help you find out which pathways are best suited to your individual profile.

Your personal statement is more than just application paperwork, it is your opportunity to demonstrate your achievements, personal interests and how a degree at the institution of your choice would help you achieve your life ambitions.

At Cetude, we pride ourselves on being ahead of competitors that only offer proofreading and perfunctory editing. Each client’s educational background and experience is carefully analyzed to help create an exceptional personal statement that is both professional and unique.

Market Yourself Differently.

Move the slider below to see how persuasive writing can transform your personal profile.

Give Your Career a Head Start

Career Development Services

At Cetude, we help our clients catalyze their skills and passions into professional careers. We endeavor to help you discover your personal strengths by building individually-tailored career development paths. Our motto is and always will be “Your career, your way”.

A well-planned career is more than just a job—it is an opportunity for you to realize your potential. Our consultants have backgrounds in management consulting, investment banking and the professional services industry. We are equipped with the latest industry knowledge to help you create a practical roadmap to achieving your dream career.

Our practice sessions provide you with invaluable first-hand experience that prepares you for the challenges of individual interviews as well as group assessments.

Practicing by yourself will only get you so far—you need expert feedback to help you understand how you could improve your performance.

The curriculum vitae is your most vital asset to help you break into highly competitive industries such as finance and consulting. A Latin expression for “course of life”, your CV is a document that chronicles your achievements to date.
At Cetude, we help you transform your life story into a professional curriculum vitae that matches your experiences, skills and ambition. We also provide guidance on integrating your competencies and personal motivation into cover letters to ensure that your application stands out.

Getting Hired is a Challenge


Applicants per vacancy for professional services firms


Applicants per vacancy for the investment banking sector

Our Expertise

Curriculum Vitae Building
Cover Letter Guidance
Psychometric Test Prep
Interview Practice

How can we help you?

Contact us now to discuss how we can help you achieve your goals.


